Have your capping heads maintained and cleaned by ZALKIN trained professionals.
Zalkins Head Rebuild program allows for any Zalkin customer to send in their capping heads that are due for maintenance to be refurbished by a team of people who are trained on how to handle Zalkin capping heads. Customers will no longer have the stress of their own service technicians spending their time working on the capping heads, when Zalkin trained professionals could do the job.
Along with not having to use time cleaning capping heads, Zalkin has all the specialty tools available that may not be found in a standard maintenance shop. Zalkin Americas has a parts washer available with a degreasing agent, which helps remove product and contaminants to bring capping heads back to their original finish.
Learn about our process for cleaning capping heads:
Each rebuild takes a different amount of time, but most rebuilds take one to three hours per head depending on the model. Our trained professionals can rebuild 1 or up to 48 heads at a time depending on the scheduling needs of our customers. Scheduling in advance is the best way to minimize downtime on a customer’s line.
To rebuild a head:
- Our team of experts start by dissembling the head and inspecting for any parts that need to be replaced.
- Replacement parts are then communicated to the customer and ordered.
- We then clean the individual parts.
- Once all parts are cleaned and inspected, the heads are reassembled.
- We then test each head to make the torque and application requirements are within specification.
- Finally, we ship back the clean and refurbished heads with a test report on each.
We recommend booking a rebuild service in advance, so wait times are shorter and there is less downtime. At Zalkin Americas, the program is managed by our Rebuild Technician, Kevin Gooch, who has been with the company for over three years and professionally trained in how to handle our capping heads. At Zalkin France, a dedicated team of several trained professionals rotate to manage this program, mostly for European countries but also in Africa and Asia.
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